Saturday, August 16, 2014

Indoor Radiation, Environmental Radiation: Radon is a Cancer-causing, Radioactive Gas

Indoor Radiation, Environmental Radiation: Radon is a Cancer-causing, Radioactive Gas: How does radon change in the environment? Radon  can move easily through rock and soil and arrive at the surface. The half-life of ra...

Radon is a Cancer-causing, Radioactive Gas

How does radon change in the environment?

Radon  can move easily through rock and soil and arrive at the surface. The half-life of radon-222 is 3.8 days. As it undergoes radioactive decay, radon-222 releases alpha radiation and changes to polonium-218, a short-lived radioactive solid. After several more transformations (loss of particles or electromagnetic radiation from the nucleus), the series ends at lead-206, which is stable.

Radon dissolves in water, and easily leaves water that is exposed to the atmosphere, especially if the water is agitated. Consequently, radon levels are very low in rivers and lakes, but water drawn from underground can have elevated radon concentrations. Radon that decays in water, leaves only solid decay products which will remain in the water as they decay to stable lead.

how radon enters a home


 How Radon Enters Your Home

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas produced by the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water.

Air pressure inside your home is usually lower than pressure in the soil around your home's foundation. Because of this difference in pressure, your home acts like a vacuum, drawing radon in through foundation cracks and other openings.

Radon also may be present in well water. In a small number of homes, the building materials — such as granite and certain concrete products — can give off radon, although building materials rarely cause radon problems by themselves. In the United States, radon gas in soils is the principal source of elevated radon levels in homes.

Radon is a Cancer-causing, Radioactive Gas

Radon is estimated to cause many tens of thousands of lung cancer deaths each year. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high.

cancer caused by radon vs other causes

Radioactive Meter measuring Radon (Radioactive Gas)

 releases from Brick (major building material in our house) .

 ** Demo proven "POWER AIR VITAMIN G10" 

effectively eliminates Radioactive Gas (Radon) and control it 24/7

Indoor Radiation 氡氣(Radon) 是什麼?

1. 氡氣(Radon) 是什麼?


氡氣是從土壤岩石中的固態鈾衰變後所產生的蛻化物。它是一種天然放射性氣體,半衰期為3.8天。氡氣的致癌性,被美國環保署(US EPA)歸列為第1組,和國際癌症研究機構(International Agency for Research on Cancer, IRAC )歸列為第一類的致癌物


這種放射性氡氣是看不到、聞不到、也嚐不到,它可在任何地方出現。它可以從地底進入任何類型的建築,包括住宅、辦公室和學校。它的蛻化產物附著在懸浮於空 氣中的微塵上。當你吸入氡氣和放射性微粒後,氡氣及其蛻化產物繼續在你的肺部裡衰變。他們放出α粒子,會引起細胞突變,導致肺癌。

2. 氡氣是如何進入我的房子裡?



3. 氡氣是如何影響人类的健康?

在美國,僅次於吸煙,氡氣是導致肺癌的第二大主原。氡氣及吸附在空氣中懸浮微塵上的蛻化物,在你呼吸時會被困於你的肺內。它們在肺中繼續蛻變發放出更多的 粒子。這些小小的高能量粒子會與肺部細胞組織碰撞,導致肺部細胞組織突變損毀,到達某種程度就會導致肺癌。

不是每個人暴露在高濃度氡氣的環境下都會馬上患 肺癌,可能需要若干年後經過多次的觸及才會發病。


要進一步閱讀,請參考Health Effects of Exposure to Radon: BIER VI (1999)The Iowa Lung Cancer Study






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